Caring for your Tarps

You buy a tarp and you want it to protect your things, Right? They will do just that. To ensure that a light duty on up to heavy duty tarp continues to provide the cover you need over time, you will have to take care of it just like you do any valuable tool or piece of equipment, because that is exactly what it is. Here are the Top 6 Tips on Caring for your Tarps.

  1. Choosing the Right Tarp for the Job - The first step in selecting a tarp is knowing what type of protection you are looking for. Tarps are made out of a number of effective materials including vinyl, canvas, poly, and mesh along with special features including waterproof and fire retardant. Choosing the right tarp for the job ensures that you will get the shelter you are looking for and need from a particular cover.
  2. Proper Installation and Use - Having the perfect tarp is great, but if you are not going to tie it down or put it up and use it properly it will not function well in the end. Tarps are generally fitted with grommets (eyelets) located around the entire perimeter. These are instrumental in securing the Tarps to a structure. Tarps should be secured taut utilizing every grommet, just not too tight otherwise there will be unnecessary strain. If this occurs the grommets can be damaged along with the surrounding material. Keeping the material taut keeps the cover from getting wind, dirt, and precipitation underneath as well as have it flap in the wind, which can also cause damage.
  3. Inspect Your Tarps Often - Inspect your tarps regularly to make sure they are tied down or hanging correctly to be getting the best protection. Also look over your covers for tears, holes, compromised fabric, and broken grommets to prevent further damage along with water, debris, or other intruders from breeching the protection.
  4. Clean Your Tarps - Keeping your tarps clean helps extend the life of the tarp. From simply brushing off dirt, dust, other debris, and standing water helps prevent complications and keeps it clean and looking good. If a lot of dirt builds up simply rinsing it off with a hose can do the trick. For a little additional deep cleaning, warm water and mild detergent works quite well. In addition, there are tarp cleaners and protectants on the market made specifically for the . Drying tarps can be done in the sun stretched out or handing on a line. Flip them over to dry evenly on both sides.
  5. Repairing Tarps - Although Heavy Duty Tarps are made from durable and strong materials, occasionally tears, rips, holes, and abrasions occur. To limit the damage and restore your covers to their original form, it is suggested to mend any issue that may pop up. Tarp Tape and Tarp Glue are great items for repairing tarps. Tape and glue are easily and effectively administered to patch and mend the issues that occur. Grommet kits and accessories are also available to repair damaged or missing eyelets. It is important to the structure of the tarp to have all grommets functioning for even tie down capabilities.
  6. Storage - When your tarps are not in use, it is suggested to store them in a safe, dry, and moderate temperature location off of the ground.  Keeping them out of direct sunlight is very beneficial too. As you go to store the tarps, it is important for them to be clean and completely dry. Fold them or roll them up for easily putting away until they are needed again.

Tarps Now can help you find the right Tarp and Guide you in Maintaining It

We have the widest selection of Tarps, Covers, Curtains, and Accessories to help you find the right tarp for the job. We also have the products to help maintain and repair your products along with the guidance and expertise to answer any question that you may have. Contact Tarps Now Today at (888) 800-1383 or We look forward to hearing from you!